Isabel Guerrero

Isabel Guerreroe

Isabel Guerreroe

Isabel Guerreroe


In 2010, I started an art project – which could be considered the starting point of what I am doing today. This project aims to investigate the elements that characterize the teaching of art and at the same time argue the role of the Peruvian State in the national education and the role of institutions which educate, disseminate and expose art, such as museums, art galleries and cultural centers.

As part of a study on the impact of art in society, it seems necessary to appoint these institutions and to question their role that they should play as part of the training art and culture they provide. I approach this project with the need to identify the elements that embrace my reason for being an artist in this society. I start with an analysis of my creative process, enriched by a particular field work, photographic record, videos and drawings, people, facts and realities in connection with this subject, and the transformation of objects in arts installations were the goal is to provide a critical perception of the situation of the place of art in the society.

In my artistic investigation, I also include representative objects of the education such as old electronic equipment, documents, archives (texts and books), among others, that allow interact with people. Public participation is a constant feature of my work because contributes to my inquiries and provides additional information to the research that supports the work that I present.