E-Mail: punkisdada@gmail.com
Website: www.punkisdada.com
Omsk Social Club is “futuristically political”, [i.e. unrealistic] proposing contents and makings as a form of post-political entertainment. The content examines other virtual egos and experiences allowing the works to become a dematerialized hybrid of modern day culture.
The time of the individual is gone but loneliness is a symptom of our living state – Life is an enhanced reality. Omsk Social Club exploits our senses through surplus alienation she solicits “Cosmic Depression – Paradise without Ecology” as part of her cultural meditation. She often creates work with a certain Cosmic Pessimism allowing problems of the non-human world to be explored through works of ultimate negation. Form as anti form is her ideal structure.
Yet She declares herself an untrend; She assumes the visage of poverty in her anti-nostalgic dystopia she is industrial by nature and de-gendered by style.
“Zen, Speed, Organic: 3 lifestyle diets.”
Omsk Social Club Feat PUNK IS DADA Lives and works in Berlin.
She studied at The Glasgow School of Art in 2008 and went on to attend the European Graduate School Summer Institute in 2015/16. She has exhibited widely across Europe most recently at the Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zürich (Nov 2016), Bergen Kunsthalle, Gold and Beton Cologne and “Vomit Apocalypse” for Glasgow International and Kunsthalle Zürich. Last October she attended The Eternal Internet Brother/Sisterhood residency in Sri Lanka curated by Angelo Plessas.
Her practice spans from visual to theoretical production so she has also contributed creative and critical texts to Status Effect curated by Andrew Varano, Websafe2k16 and Oncurating.org – Alienation and Estrangement edited by Dorothee Richter. She is also included in the book Polar Reflex edited by Reese Riley.
She was recently awarded the 8th ARTWARD Junior Prize and also pioneered the spectacle Ying Colosseum. She works heavily with the concept of Cosmic Depression – The theory of depression caused by digital utopia (Paradise without Ecology).
Artist and Writer based in Berlin and the UK