Danniel Tostes
October 2 until November 5 2023
In an first pilot phase, we are also opening our guest studio to curators from French- or Italian-speaking Switzerland who would like to develop an exhibition project with artists or designers from German-speaking Switzerland. With this residency opportunity we would like to support the creative exchange and collaboration between the different language regions of Switzerland. Two curators have been selected for a residency of about one month each: Danniel Tostes from Geneva and Giada Olivotto from Ticino.
Co-curator one gee in fog | OneGeeinFog.com Public Programme | Migrosmuseum,ch
Danniel Tostes is an independent curator and writer from Rio de Janeiro, based in Geneva that collaborates for the performance programme at the Migros Museum (Zurich) and is the co-curator at One Gee in Fog. Their has recently collaborate for curatorial projects at Systema Plus (Marseille), La Rada (Locarno), Le Fessestival – Festival dedicated to the bodies and sexuality in Geneva and for Casa da Escada Colorida and Paço Imperial (Rio de Janeiro). They founded and directed the Passagem project, a platform that presents artists from the city and the state of Rio de Janeiro and their research through a series of videos and magazines.
Danni’s research is around topics such as community, care, fiction, queerness and borders focusing in a decolonial perspective.
They graduate in Visual Communication at ESPM-Rio with an year doing Fine Arts at Nebrija Madrid, curatorial studies at Parque Lage (EAV) and currently doing the master CCC – Critical Curatorial Cybermedia Master of the Visual Arts Department at HEAD Genève that’s a bilingual (english/french) research program.